A collection, if you will, of my favourite non the Lord of the Rings miniatures. From the following you'll surely see my interests when it comes to tabletop gaming are quite diverse indeed. The pictures wont be exhaustive, as I have literally hundreds, but should give a rough idea of where my painting skills currently lie.
I actually hate painting, consider it the very worst part of the hobby (I particularly like X-Wing pre painted models) but suffer from a bad case of 'CCS' or 'Compulsive Collectors Syndrome' (

), which requires any collection I use to be fully painted and based, by myself.
All my paint schemes therefore conform to the following:
a: Minimum of effort and colours required.
b: No more than spray undercoat -> block paint/drybrush -> wash -> 1 highlight.
c: No layering, shading, two brush, etc. Simple easy steps.
d: Anything more than an hour per mini is no go, I'll get bored!
e: Weathering with a Tamiya drybrush stick.
f: Drybrush as much as possible on a black undercoat.
My largest collections are probably my 6mm/10mm/15mm historicals, partly due to a strong interest in history but mostly because of ease of painting large blocks of little dudes. I'd actually much prefer a large LotR army, but the larger models and more painting required actually put me off having too large a collection.
This is where the magic happens.
English Civil War (28mm)Miniatures by Warlord Games and Perry Miniatures.

Dropzone Commander (DzC) (10mm)Miniatures by Hawk Wargames

American Civil War (6mm)Miniatures by Baccus, based for Black Powder
1806 Prussians (15/18mm)Miniatures a mix of AB, Blue Moon Manufacturing, Fantassin, Xan and Eureka miniatures. Based for Field of Glory: Napoleonic.

Warhammer 40k (28mm)3rd edition 40k Dark Eldar. Probably the oldest painted miniatures I still own.

Warmachine (28mm)Cryx Warcaster, only WM miniature I still have, sold off everything I could and got out of the system within half a dozen games.
WW2 Brits and Germans (28mm)Miniatures a mix of Crusader and Artizan Designs, based for Bolt Action.

Cutlass! (28-32mm)Miniatures by Black Scorpion miniatures. Apologies for the blurry photo. Great little game, unfortunately very underplayed.
Infinity (28mm)By Corvus Belli

Well, that is a very "brief" look at my display cabinet, I've many, many, many more miniatures out in my garage that is a converted gaming room with a dedicated 8x4 gaming table, but I'm afraid I'd completely over run your board with photos if I tried to post everything!

Essex, UK based SBG/WOTR player!
My SBG WIP thread.