I would have Haldir leading the bows and the stormcaller leading the frontline infantry. Also, I don't think an elven cloak on rumil will be very useful. So drop that and change Haldir to the normal one with bow+armour, you will have 5 points to play around with. Which you can spend on extra equipment for the cavalry.
With the archers, be aware that eventually you are going to have to commit them to combat. So having the little extra armour can be useful, having said that, whafrog is right when he says that wood elves are of better value.
Also, 2 banners seems like a bit much to me. I would rather go with 1 in favour of more soldiers.
If you drop a banner, and change the bows and spears to wood elves you will have and extra 45pts to play with. That's not a lot but, you could add 2 more knights with shield and bows as well. Then with your last 3pts you can buy spears for your bows or some other piece of equipment.
Food for thought