Personally, the way I see this rule, if it makes sense in the LOTR universe, I wouldnt want my opponent to cry about it. For example, this is what I have been making....and I dont see how anyone would have a problem with it. Its realistic considering hunter orcs are a bunch of randoms with no real armory to choose from.
The are my hunter orcs with various two handed axes. The list says 'two handed weapon' so pretty much, that means to me, that you can add any weapon, to possibly do any strike including a flail, sword, mace, axe, and club.

And here are my regular two weaponed hunter orcs. I think not only are they cool, but nobody should have a problem with it

By the way, since were on the topic.....what weapons do these two technically have, because honestly, its debatable. The orc seems to have a spear of course, but not exactly.
As for the hunter orc.....??? Could be a club, mace, AND pick in my mind.....

And going along further with what Im saying, of course a man of rohan can have an axe, spear, or sword, but would someone get [word deleted] if they played a guy who modified with a hammer mace or maul to bash? Because yeah, they never had one in the movie, but dont you think someone in their army would use one? Maybe not a whole warband of them, but Id accept 4 or so. Maybe a few more.
Now, for example, Id draw the line at never putting a mace or flail on a uruk, but I know at Isengard, they chopped down trees a lot. So, would someone be mad if you gave one an axe? How about a club? Sounds like a very legit Uruk Hai weapon to me??
As for troops like Hunter Orcs, regular Orcs, men of dunland, etc....I dont see why you cant have a warband with every special strike possible in it.