Hm, I don't really like the colour scheme at all, because it is so normal.
I checked out those links, and I see what you mean about having different skin tones. However, I am trying to stick to movie portrayals, and they looked to me to all have pretty much the same skin tone in the movie. For my orcs, naturally I'll vary them, as you can clearly see many different skin tones on orcs in the trilogy

As yu already have unique bases they maybe would have been to busy or abnormal when you painted them with different colours
Absolutely what I was thinking, I want them to have a rickety/ragtag look, which I believe I have achieved with the bases, so I want to keep the skin tones relatively uniform

And now, I must show off the first part of my 'Great Haul'
Last week I ordered €295 of metal minis off the GW website, and they arrived a couple of days ago (which is very good IMO, as some of the models were listed as 2-3 weeks). This is part 1 of most likely 3 parts of a hobby binge
Anyway, here it is:

Opened the box up and this is the sight that greeted me, luvverly jubbly
Here are all the blisters. They are:
- 3x Rohan Royal Guard Mtd
- Rohan Banner Bearer Ft & Mtd
- Gamling Ft & Mtd
- Knight of Minas Tirith w/Banner
- 6x Osgiliath Veterans (2 Blisters)
- Cirion and Madril
- Faramir and Damrod
- Rivendell Gandalf
- Elrond, Master of Rivendell
- Mumak Mahud
- 2x Morannon Orc Commanders (1 Blister)
- Cave Troll w/Hammer

Now some of you may notice that there is a bit of a mix of models there. The reason for this is quite simple. I am not a gamer, I just love to paint and model, so over the past few weeks, looking at models I already have, and watching the movies again, I came up with different dioramas I would like to do, and have proceeded to purchase as many of the models that I need for these dioramas as I can, before GW drops the line i.e before everything goes OOP
And the rest of this order was two boxsets, In the Clutches of Shelob and Warg Attack:

The webbed Frodo looks awesome, and I am definitely going to include a conversion in my Shelob diorama. Also, I just love the unarmoured mounted Theoden

One thing that I am sad about is the plain white boxes

I always loved the lotr boxes (in fact, I really like the look of all the GW boxes, the boys really know how to make a box look nice

). Are the white boxes and blisters something to do with products being on their way out?
And I shall just finish this post with a quick update on my goblins (Yes, the same three, I am a
very slow painter


The hair and the nicely rusted metal is done, so now onto the wood and then detail the face and skin, and it'll be onto the bases for these three buggers
Thanks for all the comments so far