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 Post subject: Huge Lotr Lot, don't know what to offer.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:59 pm 

Joined: Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:07 am
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Location: Hamilton Ontario
So a local guy offered to sell me and some friends his whole lotr miniature collection as a lot if we were interested, and he has a lot of stuff, I mean a lot. I don't even know where to begin where to throw him an offer so I thought I'd post what he emailed me and maybe I can get a rough idea from some of you. So here it is...

"Just starting a list. I'll send you another e-mail later tonight with more. All of these are either unpainted or primed black (Metal)

Mordor Orc Captains
Gothmog Ft. & Mt.
Mt. Ringwraith
Mouth of Sauron Ft. & Mt.
Mordor Troll
24 Mordor Uruk-Hai
12 Orc Trackers
4 Castellians of Dul Gador (sp?)
Orc Shaman
Kardush the Firecaller
Uruk-Hai Command
Morannon Orc Captains
Morannon Orc Commanders
Uruk-Hai Shaman
3 Uruk-Hai Scouts
Uruk-Hai Command
7 Uruk-Hai Berzerkers
Orc Command
Mordor Seige Bow
Barrow Waight (sp.)
2 Goblin Shaman
1 King of Men
Legolas Mt.
Haldir Mirkwood
Eomer Mt.
Eowyn Mt.
Gamling Mt. With Royal Standard
Faramir Ft. & Mt.
6 Wood Elf Sentinels
Wood Elf Command
Arwen Ft. & Mt
8 of Faramir’s Rangers
3 Dunedain of the North
3 Rangers
Metal Hobbits (Fellowship)
11Theoden Mounted
Elohir Mt.
Glorfindel Ft.+ Mt.
I have the following still in original packaging:

Here is a list of what I have still in package. (All metal)
Wildmen of Druadan
The Fall of the Witchking
Witchking on Fellbeast
Ringwraiths (9 in a box)
Ferel Uruk-Hai
Gundbad Blackshields Command
Gundabad Blackshields
Giant Bats
Moria Goblin Prowlers
Forlong & Angbor
King of the Dead
Black Guard of Barad-Dur
Black Numenorean Warriors
Knights of Minas Tirith

This stuff I have (some painted and some addition to the list from the first e-mail) - All metal
Around 12+ Uruk-Hai Berzerkers
3-6 Feral Uruk-Hai
Around 12+ Uruk-Hai crossbows
In the Clutches of Shelob
Spider Queen and Swarm
Mordor Siege Bow
Buhrdur Troll (Amazing paint job)
Dead Marsh Specters
Barrow Wights
Elladan Ft. & Mt.
Wood Elf Sentinels
Tom Bombadil & Goldberry
An Ent or two

I also have:
Uruk-Hai Seige troops
Warg Riders

I have a really well painted plastic Isenguard Troll
Also have a really well painted Mumak

Lots of....

Haradrim Warriors
Uruk Hai Warriors
Uruk-Hai Scouts
Morannon Orcs
Minas Tirith
Wood Elves
Probably 25 Warriors of the last Alliance.

Around 25 or 30 Dwarf Warriors
A handful of Dwarf Scouts

Various Plastic Terrain
Looked closer at my Dwarfs:

12 Dwarf Scouts
Around 30 Dwarf Warriors
2 Dwarf Kings
4 Khazad Guard
3 Vault Warden Team

I also found

Elladan Ft.

I may have some other stuff but that is the bulk of it.

I also have Minas Tirith & Moria stuff that I didn't list here.

Let me know what you guys are thinking."
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 Post subject: Re: Huge Lotr Lot, don't know what to offer.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:44 pm 
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I'm thinking bank loan lol.

Judging by the amount of stuff the guy has i would hedge my bets he knows what he has there if you take my meaning. If you are marrying his daughter you might get a nice cheap deal here. Failing that its going to be expensive i think. Theres well over i would say £3000+ worth of stuff there going by the current market prices and that would be cheap for a haul of this size. If you bought that lot for 3 grand and then ebay'd it you would make 6 grand minimum easily i think.

Play it carefully and start with a mediocre offer to test his reaction. He may shut you down straight off then raise the offer to suit. Its a big haul and if he knows what he has there then yep the bank loan or second mortgage is the only option lol. Good luck buddy.

Commission Availability : BOOKED SOLID (again lol)

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 Post subject: Re: Huge Lotr Lot, don't know what to offer.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:52 pm 

Joined: Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:07 am
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yea that would be quite the stinkin investment, I might just go for what I want with the pick and choose method, he said he would give "quite a good deal" either way. Idk how he expects me and my friends to even make an offer on all of that.

another question, is there anything of rarity in that collection that would be worth grabbing for sure?
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 Post subject: Re: Huge Lotr Lot, don't know what to offer.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 10:19 pm 
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Nothing really that could be considered rare but plenty that is worth buying if you can get them at the right price.

Metal Black numenoreans are expensive these days.
Black guard of barad dur
Legolas Mtd
Any of the metal commanders sets are always a good purchase
Witch king on fellbeast

Metals are a good investment n general, the more time that passes the more the price seems to rise at the moment.

Commission Availability : BOOKED SOLID (again lol)

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 Post subject: Re: Huge Lotr Lot, don't know what to offer.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 10:33 pm 

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Commented on tla, I got a similar lot of a guy a while back for just 125, it does, like dms said, depend on his knowledge of their worth as this guy simply described the models as lots of plastics metals few elephants and trees a castle in which I ended up with helms deep mumaks rare metals ect and he clearly had no knowledge of their worth. I started of very stubborn even after my amazement from pics. Just keep your cool and say however many friends are investing cough up 50 quid each and see where he stand. When your done send me his details I want few bits lol.
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 Post subject: Re: Huge Lotr Lot, don't know what to offer.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 11:28 pm 

Joined: Mon Feb 24, 2014 1:07 am
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ya I'm pretty sure he knows their worth. I'll have to see what my friends are willing to all pitch then see what the seller thinks. So much lotr, its a little over whelming haha
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 Post subject: Re: Huge Lotr Lot, don't know what to offer.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 12:49 am 
Elven Warrior
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I agree with DMS regarding rarer models - not a whole lot there by the looks of it, BUT I would add - Kardush the firecaller I think is harder to get now and fall of the witch king would be worth it (if that is the diorama type one, not just Eowyn, Merry and WK...)

When lotr first came out, it was $1 (au) per plastic and around $5 per metal. I would suggest you roughly follow this guide but make some discounts on it. Most ebay metals will go for under or around $5 each, so I would be offering maybe 2-3 and be willing to go 4-6 for some of the rarer metals such as Dunedain, Rangers of the North, bats, Black guard, Dwarfs, sentinels, blackshields.

To make it easier for your to decide just go around $15 for 24 troops, $7 per metal blister (normally 3 troops) and $10 for characters that you want. This will give you a ball park figure, you can choose to test the waters by going a bit lower and getting a bargain if you want - it shouldn't hurt. It's a big investment, so make sure you are getting a good price on the things you don't want to keep.

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 Post subject: Re: Huge Lotr Lot, don't know what to offer.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:08 pm 

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a couple of friends and I all split on it. Got it all for 600 (Canadian) plus his terrain and all the odds and ends he found. Some of the stuff is painted professionally, eg. the Mumak and isengard troll. So I say we got a pretty good deal. ;)
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 Post subject: Re: Huge Lotr Lot, don't know what to offer.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:54 pm 

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Roughly £325 so yeh pretty great deal there bud
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 Post subject: Re: Huge Lotr Lot, don't know what to offer.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:14 pm 
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Offer him a hug. Just to see what he says :P

In all seriousness, that is an absolutely massive collection he's got there! As DMS says, I'd fully expect that he has at least some inkling of what he's got. It's not old enough to have been "childhood toys" that he's found, and there's too much of it to assume he was half-interested in dabbling with the hobby.

Gondor: 2339pts
Rohan: 1318pts
Dwarves: 2482pts
Elves: 1091pts
Mordor: 2305pts
Isengard: 1762pts
Moria: 1463pts
Evil Men: 381pts
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 Post subject: Re: Huge Lotr Lot, don't know what to offer.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:20 pm 
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Jordo wrote:
a couple of friends and I all split on it. Got it all for 600 (Canadian) plus his terrain and all the odds and ends he found. Some of the stuff is painted professionally, eg. the Mumak and isengard troll. So I say we got a pretty good deal. ;)

Wow, that is a superb deal with prices what they are today! Congrats.
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 Post subject: Re: Huge Lotr Lot, don't know what to offer.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:55 am 
Elven Elder
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That must be deal of the century. You could sell off some of the excess and recoup your money, then leaving you the stuff you really like / want.

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 Post subject: Re: Huge Lotr Lot, don't know what to offer.
PostPosted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:20 am 

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Okay so I lied, we ended getting it all for 570 (CND) and a bunch more stuff that wasn't included in the list like 4 more trolls, professionally painted army of the undead, treebeard, grimhammers, a metal dragon, two GW carrying cases one large and one small. and just a bunch of other stuff I cant think of because there is just sooooo much of it. I am very excited.
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 Post subject: Re: Huge Lotr Lot, don't know what to offer.
PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:13 pm 
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Jordo wrote:
Okay so I lied, we ended getting it all for 570 (CND) and a bunch more stuff that wasn't included in the list like 4 more trolls, professionally painted army of the undead, treebeard, grimhammers, a metal dragon, two GW carrying cases one large and one small. and just a bunch of other stuff I cant think of because there is just sooooo much of it. I am very excited.

Well if it's to much for you. You all can just send it down my way. Especially the army of the dead. 8)

Who ever said swimming was easier then running never swam a 400 I.M.
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 Post subject: Re: Huge Lotr Lot, don't know what to offer.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 1:33 pm 

Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:15 am
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Jordo wrote:
Okay so I lied, we ended getting it all for 570 (CND) and a bunch more stuff that wasn't included in the list like 4 more trolls, professionally painted army of the undead, treebeard, grimhammers, a metal dragon, two GW carrying cases one large and one small. and just a bunch of other stuff I cant think of because there is just sooooo much of it. I am very excited.

Since generosity has obviously struck you you should pass on the favour and come up with a deal on Forlong. Like, it would be interesting if it went up on ebay soon and I happened across it.

Last edited by TheBossman40k on Sun Mar 23, 2014 6:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Huge Lotr Lot, don't know what to offer.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 1:36 pm 
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TheBossman40k wrote:

Since generosity has obviously struck you you should pass on the favour and sell me Forlong.

Sell? did i hear the word sell? surely not here on the One Ring. Oh I see, you meant trade .. ah well thats ok then. :)

Commission Availability : BOOKED SOLID (again lol)

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 Post subject: Re: Huge Lotr Lot, don't know what to offer.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 2:18 pm 
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That's a ridiculously good haul! I'm somewhat jealous!! I'm likely to put in an order from GW today with my birthday money to try complete my Lotr metal collection. It'll probably be in or around the same as your total payment but I can safely say I'll end up with a few less minis than what you've acquired!!! Happy painting and gaming with that lot anyway!

2014 Backlog Reduction Oathtaker (3 points)
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 Post subject: Re: Huge Lotr Lot, don't know what to offer.
PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 6:29 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:15 am
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D.M.S wrote:
TheBossman40k wrote:

Since generosity has obviously struck you you should pass on the favour and sell me Forlong.

Sell? did i hear the word sell? surely not here on the One Ring. Oh I see, you meant trade .. ah well thats ok then. :)

Sell? Must be really late. What you saw was... merely a statement on how funny it would be if that item was to appear on another website. Not suggesting anything at all. (Yeah I just read the rules todayish.)
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 Post subject: Re: Huge Lotr Lot, don't know what to offer.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 9:20 pm 
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Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:59 am
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Wow that is insane for such a low price. How many plastics did you actually get where it says 'lots of'.
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