Gshaw wrote:
Just to hold your force together after breaking.
I know what you mean. I have the shamane and durburz and the ringwraith when I'm broken to do it, but if the shamane looses his fury, I only got the ringwraith. I'm thinking about only do the "normal" fury (I mean before the Hobbit we all did well with it). So I can cast it again, if the shamane looses it once, but with 66 models (and more coming) I should be able to protect him.
Gshaw wrote:
I think that maybe another shaman might be a more worthwhile investment than grinnah.
The problem with taking out Grinnah (and split his Goblins over the other warbands) to take another shamane is, I'm thinking about taking him out to make the ringwraith a named one. It's only 50 points and you get so much more power! What do you think, who is the best to support this army?
I thougt about the Dark Marshal to push the fight skills of my goblins but I'm not sure he is worth it because of their low fight value.
Another I thought about is the Undying. He has 12 will points more than my wraith (counting the one faith point) and is really undying even against Legolas, who seems to be played in every list today and can be a real problem for mini-wraiths.
Gshaw wrote:
bringing in new goblins is great but if they are brought in alone and just get slaughtered then you're even closer to breaking for little to no gain.
It's all about the situation on the field and the scenario we are playing. If my shamane and durburz are unreachable for my opponent, I really would like to see one of his warband just slaughtere a few goblins somewhere fare away from the important areas of the field.
If we are playing domination I would try to take markers holded by a few warriros with my extra goblins.
By the way one rule question. With fury the goblin passes his courage test automatically. But if he tests to bring in new goblins, how do he pass it (you could be really evil and refer to the atomatically casted spells by Thranduil and say he passes it on a 12 but I'd say he passes on the lowest roll possible). I want to play with rules I find opponents with
But what are your thoughts about it?
And another funny idea about the Goblin Scribe I'd love to see the Goblin King carry him and alway let him down behind him, so nobody sees him and he couldn't be taken as target, but the problem is, the Goblin King has to get into close combat and it could be difficult to take the Scribe out of it, so it's just a funny idea.