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 Post subject: 19th century European soldiers
PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 4:27 pm 
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Joined: Sat Feb 16, 2008 2:05 pm
Posts: 14
Location: striding around in Rhudaur for some orchunt
Hello fellow one-ringers,

While enjoying painting and collecting the Lord of the Rings miniatures, I have lately found myself seeking other miniatures to enjoy.

More specifically, I am seeking to collect 18th and 19th century european soldiers.
Does anyone here know, which company makes such miniatures of fine quality? And does anyone here collect such things themselves? I am looking for GW standards. The scale does not matter much, as long as it is still considered "miniature". I would prefer though, something close to the size of the LOTR miniatures.

Being a Dane and all, my first battle to recreate would be the "Battle of Dybbøl", a clash between Danish and Prussian military in 1864.

If anyone would help me out, it would be greatly appreciated.

But now he has a mind of metal...
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 Post subject: Re: 19th century European soldiers
PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 6:11 pm 
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Joined: Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:14 am
Posts: 1121
Not my cup of tea (gunpowder, hah, real men fight up close and personal with a big axe gripped in their hands!), but a decent start for the figures (based on the date - and the painting in the Wikipedia article) could be American Civil War figs. Equipment and uniforms are likely to have some similarities; whether enough to be entirely servicable, I cannot say!
Although historicals are mostly available in metal, Perry miniatures (sculpted by the same people who made most LotR figs, in roughly the same scale) have a variety of plastic kits: ... pgt40326e7
And the metal range: ... pgt40326e7

Can't say if specific ranges for the Danish, Prussians or other European factions of that time exist, as said I never looked into it.
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 Post subject: Re: 19th century European soldiers
PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:28 pm 

Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2013 9:26 pm
Posts: 424
There's lots of American Civil War, plenty of Colonial conflicts (Zulu Wars, etc). Not sure on the other European factions, though Crimean minis are available through Warlord Games (amongst others) and Napoleonic Wars are available through pretty much anyone (Victrix and Perry would be my go-to). For more specific factions and dates there may be metal ranges available from other manufacturers but I really couldn't speak for their quality or historical accuracy. Looking at the uniforms (just had a quick google image search for Dybbøl, so nothing comprehensive) I'd say you could start with the Perry Plastic American Civil War models, and do some conversion work from there where necessary. ... 46qhmcc5c5

At the very least, I can guarantee that the models themselves will be at least equal in quality to GW (and would probably argue better, in all honesty).
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