Several years ago I started building a Corsairs army (before the Fallen Realms came out) but never got around to really doing the project. I'm not worried about "competitive" in a sense as I don't really have anyone to play. That doesn't mean I don't want it to be good with some thematic on the side, but yeah, just testing the waters. Curious what people would do with the following and/or what you would add.
24 Corsairs of Umbar (old double pack)
6 Arbalester's
I also have the Dark Marshall foot and mounted, though he doesn't appear in the Harad and Umbar list though allying is an option.
Yeah, thats it. My thought was to pick up some Half-Trolls, just because I thought it would be an interesting theme with pirates chaining these guys up and whipping them out for battle. Probably also pick up another pack of Corsairs (scour secondary markets for another 24 pack if I can) so I can convert some Corsairs into Reavers.
I honestly wanted to avoid going "all-in" to Harad if I could help it, but I'm open to suggestions of units/heros that could accompany them. I assume the Knight of Umbar would be something else to snag as well, but as usual, so many models, so little money