After researching this a lot, I seem to get the impression that Uruk-hai can take both pikes and cross-bows as wargear under the new Hobbit SBG, but obviously can't shoot and support in same turn or shoot and move.
I thus want to make 12 Uruk-Hai with cross-bows and pikes for an army I am building.
Does anyone know of some 25mm scale cross-bows that are the right aesthetic for Uruk-Hai, which can be slung on the back of pike-men?
Or similarly, does anyone know of pikes that are the right look and scale for uruk-hai which can be put on the backs or bases of cross-bow men?
Also, if you think that Uruk-hai cannot take crossbows and pikes, can you please direct me to some rules or FAQ's that clearly state this as I don't want to convert unusable miniatures.