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 Post subject: Cadarn's Rogues
PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:52 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:46 pm
Posts: 82
Location: Nottingham , Retford
Cadarn's rogues will be a custom battle company of different men and races, mainly as a writing exercise to explore the characters, I'll post the company and reinforcement table now. In terms of equipment I'll generally buy at whatever that model can normally buy it, though sometimes I may give character equipment they can't normally get if it seems justifiable.

Cadarn's rogues are a rag tag band of warriors escaped from the prisons of Rohan and now on the run, most are still pure of heart and oppose the creations of Sauron, but they oft have to fight the forces of the free people to maintain their freedom.

Warrior of Rohan pts: 24
F:3/4 S:3 D:5 A:1 W:1 C:3 M:1 W:1 F:1
Axe, shield, throwing spears,armor

Born of mixed blood in a meagre settlement, Cadarn struggled to make advancements in the Rohirric army due to his Dunland heritage, his hatred for Rohan burned deep within him and he ever sought a way to get his vengeance. Befriending Hind during his imprisonment and fascinated by his warrior culture, the two concocted a devious plan for escape.

Mahud warrior pts:14
F:3/4 S:4 D:5 A:1 W:1 C:2 M:0 W:0 F:1
Spear, shield, armor

A fell warrior from the far east, Hind captivated Cadarn with his stories of battle, his force overcome by a Rohirric Eored, Hind had been a captive of Rohan for many months, finding his prison guard reasonable company, the two became fast friends and fled to freedom to do what they do best, fight.

Dwarf ranger pts: 19pts
F:4/3 S:3 D:5 A:1 W:1 C:4 M:0 W:0 F:1
Two handed axe,dwarf bow, light dwarven armor, throwing axes

A disgraced dwarf, shunned by his clan after being the sole survivor of his companyaafter a Goblin ambush, he wandered the land in search of a job, fate would have him wind up as Cadarn's fellow prison guard, eager to once more have a life of adventure and with nothing to lose, Nar assisted Cadarn's escape, but only on the condition he could bring along his befriended Haradrim

Haradrim warrior pts:7
F:3/4 S:3 D:4 A:1 W:1 C:3
bow,armor, dagger
Sold into slavery by his masters for refusing to follow the teachings of Sauron, he ended up a captive of Rohan where be became fast friends with his captor Nar. THey came to respect their varied fighting styles, Umar carefully weaving his way through foes whilst Nar relied on brute strength alone

Aragost: pts:8
Warrior of Minas Tirith
F:3/4 S:3 D:6 A:1 W:1 C:3
Sword,shield, heavy armor
When the company retreated to a tavern Gondor after their daring escape, they were unforutanate enough to chance upon a warrior of Rohan and his cousin Aragost, rather than report the band they requested to join, desperate for a life of adventure

Warrior of Rohan pts:9
F:3/4 S:3 D:5 A:1 W:1 C:3
Sword, shield,throwing spears
Bored of the miserable life of a footman in Roha, Eadig sought out his cousing in Gondor to see how his Military life was faring, he chacned upon an escaped band of rogues, seeing the chance to further his fortunes he begged them to join

Reinforcement table:
1: Rohan
4: Harad (1-3 far, 4-6 near?)
1-2 Hobbit
3-5 Dwarf
Hopefully that should give a great variety of characters :)
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 Post subject: Re: Cadarn's Rogues
PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:24 pm 

Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:02 am
Posts: 127
I would have the reinforcement table being
1-2: Rohan,
3-4: Gondor
5: Dunland
6: Exotic

then have the Exotic table being Easterlings, Harardrium, dwarfs, elfs and shire. That way it represents its more common for men from Gondor or Rohan than people from across the world.
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 Post subject: Re: Cadarn's Rogues
PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 7:23 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:46 pm
Posts: 82
Location: Nottingham , Retford
That's a good idea thanks I'll use that :),
Scenario one:
As the band ventured into the wilderness, Umar, the company's new scout, stumbled across a band of Goblins gathering water at a nearby river, at the Behest of Nar the company marched into battle for the first time.
Lieuntenant and 2 sergeants with shield
3 goblins with spear
2 goblins with bow
The Goblins deploy by the river, Cadarn and his followers are on the other side of the river , there are two hills in opposite corners of the map and scattered foliage throughout.

Cadarn led his men in a wild charge towards the river, the Goblins reacted quickly and rallied to their leader, Cadarn order Nar and Umar to slow and let of shots whils't the rest of them charged with him. Barely breaking strike, himself and Eagil hurled spears towards the Goblins, the spears fly wide, sprinting and throwing proving too advanced for the pair, however Nar is already a veteran of many battles and proves more skilled, his arrow pitcing a Goblin to the ground, the black fletched arrows fly harmlessly overhead in return.
Coming to his senses Cadarn recognized his ranged advantage and held his ground, forcing the Goblins to come to him, the companies archery proved to be unerringly accurate, however the shots all pattered harmlessly from the thick goblin shields.
The Goblins continued to surge forwards and Cadarn led the counter charge,Eagil Hurled a spear as he ran, pinning a Goblins shield to his body, the Goblin was lucky to survive, Eagil pressed his advantage, forcing the Goblin back into the river. The other combatants continued to brawl in the thick mud, their blows slowed and proving ineffective.
The archers rushed to aid their companions, Nar hurled and axe that thudded into a goblin archers chest, sending him sprawling to the floor. Aragost meanwhile had his feet swept from under him by a goblin spear, as he fell his gut was pierced by a goblin blade wielded by their vile lieutenant. Seeing their first companion fall, Hind let out a fearsome battle cry and beat the Goblin he was facing into the ground with his mace. Umar and Nar joined the fray, alas Umar slipped in the thick mud and his light armour was pierced by a goblin blade. Distracted by his fall Cadarn barely avoided falling himself. Enraged at his near miss cadar retaliated swiftly, cutting down his foe, mourning the loss of his friend Nar's blows slowed and he suffered several superficial cuts. Snarling in rage Nar hurled an axe straight through the goblins head and rushed to aid Hind against the goblin lieutenant though he seemed to be faring fine. However just as victory seemed certain, Eadig finally faltered, falling to the crueld Goblin blades, yet hope still remained as Nar and Hind savaged their leader, hacking him down brutally, one of the Goblins tried to flee but their would be no mercy this day, cadarn's throwing spear piercing back as he turned to run, the final goblin was surrounded, and beheaded with a mighty blow from Cadarn's axe.

After the battle the companies wounds were tended to, though none were fatal they would all need time to recover,the company found a horse and camal near the water, the the goblins had apparently stolen (Cadarn and Hind promoted) which cadarn and Hind both quickly claimed. The loot taken from the Goblin camp was sold at market in the nearest town, the gold used to buy a lance and some finely crafted armor for Cadarn and a blowpipe for Hind.

Hind also gained a point of courage while Cadarn gained a point of fight. The three warriors will all miss the next, typed this in a bit of a rush so apologies for any errors :)
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 Post subject: Re: Cadarn's Rogues
PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:40 am 

Joined: Wed May 21, 2014 1:55 am
Posts: 1487
Location: Seattle,Washington USA
Nice battle rep - do you do the games solitare? Or try the company out that way first before taking on others?

"Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer."
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 Post subject: Re: Cadarn's Rogues
PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:06 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:46 pm
Posts: 82
Location: Nottingham , Retford
Just play the games by myself :)
Nar was furious, the cursed Goblins had followed him to his new band and had very nearly taken away his near friend, he would not relent to Cadarn on his requests to hunt down the Goblin lair and destroy them once and for all, alas with half of his men injured Cadarn did not have the man power to assault the Goblin lair, even with their newly acquired steeds. Instead Cadar agreed to ambushing a small force of Goblins and gathering information about the strength of the hideout. Thus as dusk fell the trio of warriors left their wounded comrades behind and approached a Warg pen, the two guards would be easy kills, the ferocious wargs they looked after however were a small problem.

Cadarn's Rogues:
Two Goblins with spear
five wargs
1 warg lieutenant
Home ground: The wargs are fighting to defend their home ground and will therefore not take courage tests during this battle such is their determination.

The goblins are unaware of their impending doom and not expecting an attack, no evil models may move until they have complete line of sight to an enemy model or are attacked, when this happens, the Goblins panic and open the pen, unleashing the wargs.

As the force slowly approached they followed Nar through the dense woodland, calming their steeds to maintain silence, on Nar's signal, the trio emerged from their hiding spots and unleashed a volley of projectiles at the guards. The missiles went wide in the darkness and the Goblins fled to the pens, hurling open the gate and unleashing the wargs, however even as they did one Goblin fell as he was impaled in the back by Hind's camel, the other borne to the ground by Cadarn's newly acquired lance.
The wargs cowered at the slaughter of their masters, and the company pressed their advantage, the first warg falling with a throwing spear protruding from it's gut, with a huge swing of his axe Nar nearly decapitated the warg he was facing, Hind assailed the mightiest of the beats eager to prove himself, alas luck was on the beasts side and he avoided harm, Cadarn proved why he led the band, expertly skewering the two wargs he was facing with his lance. Unfortunately, the wargs desperate howling brought more of the beasts into the fray,(3 more cause things went a lot better than expected) two leaped upon Cadarn, however his horse quickly side stepped and he crippled one of the beats with his axe as it flew by, Hind impaled the foolish warg who attempted to aid his leader, yet the camel exposed itself in doing so and the leader of the pack tore out the poor beats throat, as hind fell he struck his head head upon the ground and lay motionless. Cadarn spurred himself on, gutting a warg with his lance as he tried to aid Nar who battled with their leader, Nar was borne to the ground by the wargs size, but shoved the shaft of his axe into his mouth and hurled him of, despertely throwing an axe after him but the warg leaped aside, dodging underneath the dwarf's clumsy charge, the warg savaged his gut, however by some miracle only his armor was damaged, even as the two battles Cadarn cut down the final warg he was facing. Snarling at his remaining foes the warg sprinted away into the night, the two of them had a feeling they would meet him again.

As the warg fled into the distance Nar attended to the Goblin prisoners whilst Cadarn checked on Hind, fortunately his friend had only been concussed in the fall and would be fine to fight again soon. After several hours with Goblins, in which much revenge was exacted, Nar returned with news of the strength and location of the Goblin lair, they returned to their wounded comrades, and decided to assault the base when they recovered their strength.

So hind made a full recovery after dieing from falling of his camel :lol:, his upgrade was also another point of courage :-X Nar manged to gain an attack however and Cadarn gained Blade master.

I threw in the extra wargs because Cadarn went on a rampage and was killing foes left right and center gaining 7xp! The company in general rolled pretty well, though Hind's and Cadarn's warspear/lance make them deadly on the charge and the company kept winning priority! I'm sure the warg Lieutenant will make a guest appearance in the future as well :)
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 Post subject: Re: Cadarn's Rogues
PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:38 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:46 pm
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I forgot to say in the last post, Nar made his promotion to an Iron Hills veteran. :D
I settled for generalripphook's reinforcement table more or less in the end,
4-5:Gondor(1-3 Gondor, 4-6 fiefdoms)
2:Haradrim(1-3 near 4-6 far)
The company recuperated quickly, with the neccesary information about the fort garnered from the prisoners, Nar led the company to a nearby town. Deciding to stay the night and gather supplies, the company stayed at a tavern where they came across the drunken Mablung, a knight from Minas Tirith, he spent the knight drunkenly boasting of his exploits in the war against Mordor, drunk beyond sense, he agreed to join the company as long as their was a ready supply of booze. (A 5 followed by a 2, followed by a 5, using the final point of Gold to make it a 6, then a 4 granted the company with a brand spanking new knight of Minast Tirith :) )
The company set off early in the morning, Mablung moaning about teh pain in his head, following secret paths that Nar had been told by the Goblins, the band of warriors approached the rear of the the Goblin camp unheard and unseen, motioning silently Cadarn ordered Umar to take out the sentry, however Nar and Mablung had other ideas, bellowing their presence to their foes they dared them to face their blades. Before the company could react, the base was swarming with Goblins charging down upon them.
Location: Ruined town full of rubble and ruined buildings
Cadarn's Rogues:
Goblin captain (2 attacks+wounds etc)
2 Goblin sergeants with shield
2 Goblins with shield
4 Goblins with spear
4 Goblins with bow
Nowhere to run: The Goblins have nowhere to flee too and will not take courae tests.

Cadarn recovered quickly, ordering the company to stand their ground and pepper the enemy with arrows, alas the rubble proved suitable protection along with the thick Goblin armor, only Hind landing a carefully aimed dart in a Goblins neck, however Mablung seemed to have wandered off somewhere. The company braced as the Goblin wave crashed into them, Eadig cried out as he succumbed to a pair of goblins, a spear slipping over his shield as he fell to the ground his face covered in blood. Cadarn and Hind led the counter charge, however the Goblin captain proved too fell for Hind, his small form darting aside from his warspear, he hacked viciously at Hinds leg as he rode by, yet the blade struck a dagger that was bound to the Mahud's leg. Cadarn casually spitted the Goblin he was facing on his lance, Nar beside practically hacking a Goblin in two with his huge axe. Roaring a battle cry, Mabung heroically charged 3 Goblins at once, alas his horse wasn't so keen on the idea and stalled at the sight of the Goblin spears, Mablung was sent flying over his saddle and landed unmoving in the dirt. Distracted by this act of folly, the goblin captain could not avoid Hind's second charge, the warspear pinning him to the ground through his black heart. The company maintained their momentum, Cadarn skewing another Goblin, his fathful steed kicking out and lashing at a Goblin sergeants head, though the blow fortunately Glanced of the meagre armor. Aragost's despair at his cousing fall had turned him into a methodical machine, weathering the Goblins attacks upon his shield and blade, he casually gutted his foe when he exposed himself. The Goblins would not give in easily however,three of them mobbed Cadarn, but in a display of skill worthy of legend he beat them back using axe and shield, seeing their commanders plight, Aragost and NAr rushed to his aid, cutting down their opponents and drawing away the foes. However his earlier exploits had tired him and Cadarn nearly fell to the lone Goblin he faced, only luck keeping him alive. But the men (and dwarf) would not be denied, Nar rushed to faltering commanders aid and hewed down the last of Goblins even as Hind did the same. Yet they had forgotten about Umar! A cry of pain revealed the figure Umar slumping to the ground a goblin blade thrust in his thigh, finally letting his rage get the better of him Aragost rushed the final Goblin, feinting low he quickly flicked his blade up and thrust it through the Goblins neck.

After the battle the company quickly tended to their wounded, Eadig's wound proved bad but not fatal and would heal with time so too would Umar's wound. Mablung seemed right as rain aside from his thumping headache, which he assured the company would go if he was granted a bottle of wine, leaving the Knight to his drink, the unwounded members studied the loot they had gained, Aragost laid claim to a lance and a fine mare
(promoted to knight, I figured he would keep his shield) The rest were things of minor value which could be sold for supplies at market, however just as the company was about to depart Umar cried out, he had spied a person among the rubble, drawing their swords the company moved to investigate, chained to a wall was a proud but dirty warrior clad in Golden armor, speaking in a foreign acent, he dropped to one knee and thumped his chest with his hand 'free me, and I will serve you', thus Na'man joined the company. (I did originally get a dwarf, but I fancied myself an Easterling and used the Gold to change it :) ) SO Aragost got himself a promotion, Eadig and Umar miss the next game but Mablung makes a full recovery, Nar gains a wound, Hind gains a fight, Cadarn gains a point of might and the Hero of legend rule.
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 Post subject: Re: Cadarn's Rogues
PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:55 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:46 pm
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Location: Nottingham , Retford
Cadarn gave a nod to Nar who heaved with his mighty axe and split the chains holding Na'man to the wall, without a word he strode to the pile of loot, retrieved his spear and shield and fell into line. With a bemused shrug Cadarn ordered the company onward to shelter.
The company intended to rest back at the nearby town where they had met Mablung, however the battle had been long and dusk soon began to fall. They were forced to take shelter in a forest clearing for the night, as they began to settle down, howls pierced the night and the men rushed to arm themselves, the wargs were back for revenge.

The company are placed loosely in the camp clearing, the wargs may deploy from any board edge. Every time a warg dies (though not the leader) they may redeploy by a board edge, the companies objective is to survive ten turns.
Cadarn's rogues:
Warg lieutenant with 4 upgrades (fight,courage,attack,strength)
10 wargs

The company held their ground as the wargs swarmed towards them on all sides, they let off a quick volley of projectiles, alas the dark made it almost impossible to hit heir targets. Yelling battle cries the company surged forward to meet the charge and with a crash the lines collided. To the shock of many, the pack leader that had escaped their previous encounter had returned, leaping high over Mablungs lance, he sent the drunk crashing to the floor. Cadarn called to his men spurring them into action. Setting an example he lanced one warg through the belly, Hind going one better and dispatching two with quick thrusts of his warspear. Alas the pack leader proved a mighty foe and swiftly bested Na'man, the warrior being hurled aside with a swipe of the Warg's claws. Again Cadarn spurred his troops on, and again they rose to the challenge, Aragost cutting down two wargs with his newly acquired lance, Nar felled one with a series of blows from his smaller throwing axes whilst Hind continued on his rampage, impaling one warg with the spears attactched to his camel, whilst a thrust from his warspear saw the life of another evil creature cut short. Cadarn charged the pack leader alone, his lance aimed straight for the beasts hart, alas another warg assailed his steed from behind raking it's hind legs and causing it to stumble. With the man exposed, the pack leader clamped his jaws around Cadarn's legs and hurled from him from his saddle, bones in his leg shattering with a sickening crunch. Nar let out a cry of rage at their leaders demise, ducking under a huge paw he hacked into the gut of the beast with his axe, withdrawing swiftly he decapitated the animal as it slumped forward. Aragost faltered at last, his shield shattering beneath the ferocious strength of the wargs, and he slumped from his saddle unmoving. Doom seemed certain for Nar and Hind, yet in feats worthy of song they survived being surrounded by wargs for many long minutes, heroically fending off 3 at a time. Eventually the wargs numbers began to dwindle, and as the first rays of dawn began to appear, the creatures slunk back into the forest.

As soon as they were certain things were safe the two surviving hero's rushed to the aid of their comrades, the wounds proved mostly superficial, although Na'man insisted he was fine, he still required help to walk and would need time to recover his strength. Nar also fixed up a makeshift cast for Cadarn's leg, though he could walk on it, he would forever have a limp that would slow him down. The others in the company were all fine, only bearing a few scratches. Cadarn decided the company would rest in the town for a few days whilst they decided what their next move would be. In reward for salvaging his leg and fighting off wargs, Cadarn offered Hind and Nar any equipment they wanted from the loot they had gathered at the Goblin lair. Hind decided he was already more than satisfied with his equipment, However Nar decided his ranger days were over, he chose a finely crafted piece of Dwarven mail and a more powerful dwarf bow than his current longbow.

So everyone makes a full recovery aside from Na'man, though Cadarn does suffer a leg wound. Nar gains a point of fight and courage whilst Hind got a point of fight. I was just wondering, do people prefer a quick narrative summary like the one above, or a more detailed turn by turn anylasis of events?
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 Post subject: Re: Cadarn's Rogues
PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 1:11 am 

Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:02 am
Posts: 127
I like the narrative one. You can basically see how the turns work out even with the narrative.
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 Post subject: Re: Cadarn's Rogues
PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 8:16 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:46 pm
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A quick battle report to get back into things, ended quicker than I anticipated, the characters went without their mounts in this scenario because it seemed logical.
The company celebrated their recent success with much heavy drinking, much to Mablung’s delight, however their success had not gone unnoticed by the servants of Mordor, an Assassin was sent to dispatch of the troublesome rogue who called himself Cadarn. One night as the company returned from another intense night out, the assassin and his trainees struck.
Cadarn’s Rogues
4 watchers of karna

Blind drunk: The company are caught completely by surprise and are suffering from too much too drink. The Assassins get a free shooting phase and have priority for the first turn, the Rogues count as -1fight and unarmed for the first round of combat, the prospect of death then sobers them up and they recover their fighting skills.

The company Win if Cadarn survives, Lose if Cadarn is Slain

The hidden assassins let loose a volley of arrows and knives and the unsuspecting band, an arrow plunged into Cadarn's, the shot appeared lethal, but in a drunker haze Cadarn have the arrow a mighty tug and yanked it free. Soon the company found themselves beset in combat, Cadarn blindly swung his axe in front of him, the man ducks beneath the clumsy swings but the threat of the weapon is enough to stop him inflicting and lethal blows. Hind has a man barrel into and stagger backwards, his foes daggers inflicting a multitude of cuts on his skin, yet he shrugs them off and draws his weapon. Aragost had the sense to quickly draw his shield hiding behind it to protect him from his foes blows. The Hasharin proved a deadly warrior, swaying aside from Mablungs clumsy overhead blow he thrust one dagger into his thigh before slamming the pommel of the blade into his unhelmeted head, spinning aside he swiftly threw one dagger at Eadig, drawing his shield low,before thrusting the blade into the unfortunate shoulders chest. Retrieving his daggers, he turned to watch a fearsome looking dwarf beat one of his trainees senseless using nothing but his bare hands. The dwarf drew his axe and strode purposefully towards him, he met his advance, a swift roll brought him under the Dwarf's arcing swing and inside his guard,thrusting a dagger into the dwarfs calf he stabbed the other upwards expecting to pierce his heart, yet as Nar collapsed the blow skidded of his sturdy Dwarven armour. Leaping aside as the dwarf flailed at him he cursed the dwarfs luck. Sparing a glance at his truw target, he saw him succumb to the blades of his apprentices, even as another was sent sprawling into the distance, his bones shattered by a crude mace, mission accomplished, the surviving assassins slid back into the shadows.

The survivors of the sudden attack rushed to see the state of their companions, by some miracle both Eadig and Mablung had suffered only superficial wound at the hands of the deadly Hashirin, Cadarn's wound seemed to be inflicted with some foul poison, rushing him back to where they were staying the company paid for the best doctors they could find, by great fortune after severdal days rest he had recovered fully from his wounds as had the rest of his company, however the time for celebration was over and Cadarn swore an oath of vengeance against the assassin.

Hind and Cadarn both leveled up, Hind gained his first might point while Cadar gained a point of defense, the company decided to conserve their gold for a time of greater need.
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 Post subject: Re: Cadarn's Rogues
PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 3:37 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:46 pm
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With the company once more at full strength, Cadarn set about the task of tracking down the assassin, he had heard rumor in the tavern of an Easterling warlord pillaging local villages, some said that he was employed by a minion high in the favor of Sauron, seeing this as an opportunity to get some information about the assassin, Cadarn went to find the Warlord. To the company’s surprise Na’man did not to mind fighting his own kind, losing his respect for his old nation when they left him to rot with the Goblins.

Easterling captain
4 Easterlings with shield+sword
8 Easterlings with pike and shield
Normal pitched battle, deploy within 12 inches from each side etc

The Easterling’s advanced in a solid Phalanx formation, Umar’s and Nar’s arrows pattering harmlessly from their thick Golden armour, however one arcing shot from Nar did manage clear the solid shields, piercing the man’s vulnerable neck and sending him silently to the ground.
As the Phalanx closed in on Cadarn’s infantry he led his cavalry out to the left flank to sweep back round and attack their foes in the rear. Weathering one final volley the Easterling and rogue battle lines surged together. Both sides initially seemed unwilling to commit, men dancing nimbly around each other, alas Eadig was not nimble enough, weaving his way inside the range of a pike, he was sent sprawling to the floor with a hefty slam of a shield.
The Easterlings, seeing the cavalry approaching, swarmed the few infantrymen of the rogues, Na’man found himself surrounded, the Easterlings seeking to put an end to the traitor, yet the company proved their worth, though the Infantry were beset on all sides they fended off their assailants though Nar was lucky the Easterling Captain’s sword did not pierce his armor. The Cavalry charge took the Phalanx in the rear even as they mobbed the infantry, Cadarn and Mablung barely slowed down for their first foe, Mablung letting out a drunken roar of victory as he lanced him to the ground, moving on swiftly he slashed another Easterling across the face with his sword as his horse kicked down another, Cadarn fared just as well, his lance finding the Heart of one evil warrior while his horse dispatched of another man. Beside them Hind let out a fearsome war cry as his camel impaled an unfortunate foe.
The leaders of both forces bellowed to their men, yet Cadarn’s voice proved the louder, urging the cavalry on and keeping their momentum, Hind challenged the captain to a duel, thrusting his warspear at the Man’s shoulder, yet he turned with the blow and to his fortune it glanced off. Despite the cavalry’s momentum the Easterlings began to change the tide of battle, the excitement of such a deadly charge proved too much for Mablung, and he tumbled from his saddle and was given a hefty clubbing by the Easterling he was facing, Na’man too succumbed to his foul brethren, their hatred at his betrayal lending his foes the strength to overcome him, yet Cadarn proved his men would not be denied and sent another warrior to the afterlife.
Once more the captains called to their men, but this time the Easterlings reacted first,the captain called for his men to stand fast before hurling himself at Aragost, the battle had drained the combatants however and they struggled to inflict telling blows on their enemies, though Hind proved tireless and hammered his opponent into the ground with his mace.
He then rushed to the aid of Aragost, using all his might he clubbed the captain to the ground and pinned him there for later questioning, as their leader watched on Cadarn and Aragost finished of the last two Easterlings.

Whilst Nar ‘looked after’ their prisoner, Cadarn tended to his fallen companions, Eadig appeared fine if somewhat dazed, though Mablung and Na’man had suffered far worse, both required help to walk and would need time to recover, even if Mablung did claim a drink would see him right as rain. The captain had tied a steed by his war bands camp, which took an instant liking to Eadig and Cadarn agreed that he could keep him.

So this seemed like it would have been a tough battle for the company if not for 2 things, first the devastating success of Cadarn’s heroic combat, second the fact he passed 5! Hero of legend rolls! Aside from that the Easterling captain performed poorly, not managing to kill anyone, though the other Easterlings did put up a stouter fight they couldn’t cope with all the lances in the company.
After the game, Eadig made a full recovery but Mablung and Na’man will miss next game.
Aragost failed his promotion as did Mablung however Eadig became a rider of Rohan, Hind gained an attack while Nar and Cadarn gained a might each, (3 might and hero of legend for Cadarn!)
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 Post subject: Re: Cadarn's Rogues
PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 12:17 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

Joined: Thu Sep 12, 2013 4:02 pm
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I'm detecting a certain formula here. It seems that Eadig dies every single time, and Mablung falls off his horse in the first combat of every battle. Must be all that drink :lol:

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Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and
Desert you
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 Post subject: Re: Cadarn's Rogues
PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:12 pm 

Joined: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:46 pm
Posts: 82
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Indeed the poor chap has developed a certain knack for dying, I though his promotion might helpl him about but it didn't do him much good in the end :roll: MAblung as well set a new record in the last game of making it to his second round of combat! :shock:

After much questioning of the captured Warlord it was discovered that he had no knowledge of the Assassin and that he didn’t work for any great captain of Sauron. However he did say that nearby there was a legendary warrior who went by the name Cuthalion, he was said to knowe every inch of the land and every servant of Sauron that trespassed on it. After finding out the location of this mighty warrior from him, the company stripped the captain of his weapons and armor and left him to fend for himself.
After a brief days trek the company came to warrior’s house although in reality it was simply a tree. Perched along one of its many branches stood a warrior clad all in green. Silently he motioned for Cadarn to ascend the ladder to his tree house, though the others were commanded to stay put.
After several tedious hours the company rose to greet Cadarn as he descended from the tree. He smiled broadly at his companions, ‘Cuthalion has agreed to aid us in our cause and believes he know the location of an orc chieftain who aided the assassin’ There was much rejoicing in the news as the company once more had a target.
They tracked the orc encampment to some ancient ruins amidst a land full of valleys and woods. As the company neared their target Cuthalion came rushing back towards their marching line. ‘Ambush’ he cried, as if on cue a host of orcs descended from the forest. Cadarn spurred his horse onwards oredering his company to cut a path to freedom.

Cuthalion (Elf with bow)
2 orc captains with two handed weapons
4 Uruk-Hai sergeants with two handed weapons
10 orcs with shield
10 orcs with spear
Victory for cadarn if 3 models, including Cadarn escape
A draw if Cadarn escapes but less than 3
Draw if 3 escape but not Cadarn
Defeat if Cadarn is killed and less than 3 escape
The forces of Mordor start surrounding the Rogues who are placed 12 inches from the southern board edge, a Road guides them through the forest and they must escape of the Northern Board edge.

The orcs let loose a battle cry and charged towards the meagre company, Cadarn distracted their foes with a reckless charge, taking on two Uruks singlehandedly with one barely escaping with his life. The company exploited the distraction and let loose a volley of projectiles, Hind felling a spearmen with his blowpipe.
Cadarn called out to his men to act first, charging headlong into the orc spearwall that was blocking their way to freedom, Cadarn charged straight at the fell captain opposing him, both were mighty warriors and drew upon all their skill to win the battle, yet Cadarn prevailed, scoring two mighty blows that left the captain barely standing. Hind joined his friend in the meee, effortlessly spitting an orc and Uruk-Hai on his warspear. Aragost was less successful, his lance missed his target and he was dragged from his horse and beaten to the ground, Eadig also succumbed to the orcs, a thrusting spear sending him tumbling to the ground. Nar found himself outnumbered and overwhelmed and had to use all his might and skill to avoid from being wounded.
Once more Cadarn called to his men, setting the example he spitted the captain on his lance, Hind roared a furious battle cry as the orcs closed in around him, as his camel impaled one foe he descended into a red Rage and butchered three orcs. Cuthalion’s nimble form finally failed to dodge a blow and he collapsed, his green tunic stained red. Nar once more found himself overpowered, the orcs hammering through his sturdy armour with brute strength.
Retaliating he hurled an axe into the eye of the orc that would dare oppose him, Alas even as the battle seemed to swing in his favor the cruel captain hewed through his armor with his double handed sword leaving the dwarf motionless. Umar too was surrounded, turning as he saw his friend fall, a rusty orc dagger was thrust into his neck and he collapsed lifeless. With sweeping arcs of his axe Cadarn drove back his foes though he harmed none, then fled into the distance, Hind fought a furious rearguard action, cutting down half a dozen orcs single handedly, eventually an opening presented itself and he too fled into the forest.

The duo survived and returned much later that night, most of their companions had indeed survived, Cuthalion's cut provedmostly superficial though it would need time to recover, as too would Eadig who had been lucky for his mail to resist the spear thrust, though it had broken several ribs in the process.Aragost appeared slightly dazed though he would recover quick enough and be ready to fight, as too would Nar,though his injury seemed to flare up every now and again but not even Cuthalion knew what plagued him. Alas his greatest pain came at the death of his nearest friend Umar, his passing had been quick and the orcs blow fatal. As the company mourned their first loss, Hind tok the time to loot the dead, returning with a beaming smile he handed a letter that had been scrawled on in crude hand writing. On it was a name, Yusraa, the company had their next target and revenge would be had.

After upgrades Hind gained a defence, Might and the ‘Death to my enemy’ rule,
Cadarn gained a fight and with loot gained from the field of battle brought, Cuthalion a spear and Nar and Mablung a shield so that they might avoid Harm in the future.

The company as it stands:
F:5/4 S:3 D:6 A:1 W:1 C:3 M:3 W:1 F:1
Axe, shield, throwing spears,heavy armor, horse lance
'Hero of legend', 'Blade master'
'Leg wound'
F:5/4 S:4 D:6 A:2 W:1 C:4 M:2 W:0 F:1
war Spear, shield, armor, camel,blowpipe
'Death to my enemy'

F:5/3 S:4 D:8 A:2 W:2 C:5 M:1 W:0 F:1
heavy dwarven armor,shield, throwing axes
'Old battle wound'

F:3/4 S:3 D:6 A:1 W:1 C:3
Shield, heavy armor,hores lance

F:3/4 S:3 D:5 A:1 W:1 C:3
Sword, shield,throwing spears,horse

F:3/4 S:3 D:6 A:1 W:1 C:3
Horse, lance,shield

F:3/4 S:3 D:6 A:1 W:1 C:3
Pike,heavy armor,shield
F:5/3 S:3 D:3 A:1 W:1 C:3
Elf bow, Wood elf spear

I'm away on holiday tomorrow so unless I do another battle this evening there won't be an update for a while.
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 Post subject: Re: Cadarn's Rogues
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In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit.
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