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 Post subject: WoTR Objectives Question/Discussion
PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:14 pm 

Joined: Wed Dec 24, 2014 9:05 pm
Posts: 11
So I've been looking at the objectives for War of the Ring and I find a problem with "The Field of Swords" objective. If I'm fielding a swarm of goblins for my army, I feel like I will always lose unless I table my opponent. Swarm armies will have way more companies, heroes, and banners which gives my opponent way more victory points. Is there a house rule or strategy to fix this?
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 Post subject: Re: WoTR Objectives Question/Discussion
PostPosted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:07 pm 
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Joined: Wed Mar 16, 2011 1:34 am
Posts: 265
To be honest, in 8 rounds, tabling your opponent is the usual method of winning in Field of swords. In 8 rounds of hard combat it is rare for one side not to have been overwhelmed.

You are right, there is a victory point imbalance between the sides if one player is taking a horde approach. But we never felt this too keenly in 4 years of weekly play. I think you are best ignoring the VPs in field of swords and just playing 'to the death' and it should be pretty clear by turn 8 who has one. If it isn't clear, then call it a draw or a marginal victory for one side if they have an edge but no clear advantage.

Adjusting for points like saying goblins and orcs are worth 4 co/vp (and hobbits/ruffians 5co/vp) is a possible solution, but you would have to exclude some elite units like morannons and black shields).

But then again, you could field a huge army of Gondoran warriors of Minas Tirith. in 1000 points you could have approximately 2 captains and 2 minor epic heroes, no banners (as they are expensively ineffective) and 28 companies of WoMT...

A second Edition for The War of the Ring:

Taking the War in Middle earth to a new level!
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