Finally it is here, well done lads

Many great and cool changes, like Mount Injury Table, Recruiting your own company from the start, Magic has been "fixed", the Special Rules/Traits for The Shire seems to be very original and cool, etc !
Sadly for my part, I feel my favorite Factions are left a bit wanting.
First of all I noticed that many Factions has got a heap of Special Rules/Traits, especially Good Factions and Races like the Elves and Humans, while Dwarves (the original Durin's Folk) are left with 3..?
It will also be interesting to see how Special Rules like Thranduil's "Bladelord" and other "Power Creep" rules will work in Battle Companies, hopefully this was tested extensively

Then I checked out to see if the Black Numenoreans perhaps had got some new units, seeing as they only really have 3 troop types (Warrior, Venomblade (if you count this as a unit) and Morgul Knight), but they are still stuck with their Orc "friends", which they of course hate, hehe. I think it would be interesting to consider giving them some sort of Archer unit, that is not of Orcish origin.
And lastly I checked out the Ruffians, but this left me a bit confused as it would now seem like they upgrade/promote to Dunlendings.
I had hoped that they would be kept as only the Ruffian/Rogues, with perhaps some exciting new troop type, and that those pesky Wild Men was removed from the list

Need to read through in greater detail though, these are just my thoughts after skimming everything last night.
The document is looking as beautiful as ever, and I also noticed what seemed like many new/updated scenarioes, which is also very exciting!
What are you plans on updating Battle Companies further, after people start playing it and giving their feedback, which might be different from what you yourself has been experiencing?