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 Post subject: The Anvil of Hope (Diary of my battle company)
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 3:33 pm 
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Joined: Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:37 pm
Posts: 3
Anvil of hope: Durin's folk (2016 rules) 85 points

Jentrapan: Dwarf ranger (lieutenant) 32 points
Equipment: Bow, Bodkin arrows, Dwarf armour, axe

A well travelled dwarf originally from the Lonely mountain who has done many adventures under the command of others, but has finally decided to lead a company himself.

Thaloin: A dwarf ranger (sergeant) 12 points
Equipment: staff

A dwarf historian of the Blue mountains who wished to see the world he had read so much about, he often goes for the diplomatic approach to the situation unlike Jentrapan's other adviser Bain

Bain: A dwarf warrior 14 points
Equipment: 2 handed axe

Born in the pits of Angband as a slave to the orcs, Bain is the only known dwarf to escape, he doesn't talk much but when he does it always ends with a insult at orcs. With Bain you swing first talk after

Falin: Dwarf warrior
Equipment: 2 handed axe, axe

A young Blue mountain Dwarf that was a Thorin's halls guard but is now bored of the peaceful Blue mountains and ready for adventure.

Farin: Dwarf warrior
Equipment: Bow, axe

Brother of Falin and also an ex Thorin's halls guard, Farin is greatly looking forward to training under a dwarf who is good with a bow rather than the archery hating Guards at Thorin's halls

Gror: Dwarf warrior
Equipment: shield, axe

A lover of ale, Gror is ready to try the ale of all the dwarf holds as part of this new adventuring company. He is often mistaken as the silent type but you've only seen him sober

First battle: Domination

Opponent The bane of the dwarves (Goblin town ((played by my brother))
Nash Nash: Goblin lieutenant w/ scourge, dagger, orc bow, cloak 23 points
Nosh Nosh: Goblin sergeant with 2 handed axe and armour
Nosh Nash: Goblin sergeant with 2 handed axe and armour
and 8 goblins with sword and 1 warg (you can guess how the names went)

The game:

Intro:Jentrapan set march from Gloin's camp west along the high pass in the early hours of the morning to a strategic point in the lower high pass where old broken dwarven watchtowers needed to be defended, so that engineers later in the day could come and start rebuilding them. Gloin who set them on this quest did warn them of a group of Goblins aptly named 'The Bane of the Dwarves' led by a goblin called Nash Nash. However despite this the goblins had given themselves the name of 'The Bane of the Dwarves' so Jentrapan knew it was nothing to worry about.

Deployment: As soon as the company reached the towers Bain claimed he had caught scent of goblin and ran east to the centre tower with Falin. Jentrapan stayed put with Farin at the western tower so they could better assess the situation, however he did send Thaloin and Gror to the northern tower. This meant they had the centre, north and western tower defended, and could later split up to take the southern and eastern towers.

The Turns (sorry cannot remember each individual one will in the future): It seemed Bain was correct as 5 or 6 goblins jumped out from behind the centre tower with what looked like there leader, There were also a few goblins far behind them in the eastern tower and a few goblins and a warg making there way to the southern tower.

But before they could make it Jentrapan and Farin both shot down 2 of the 3 goblins running to the southern tower, one of these goblins must have been of a higher rank as had armour (sergeant). The goblins at the centre tower attacked Bain along with the warg who ran from the south, so Falin jumped in to help. But despite Falin's help Bain got stabbed in the neck and kicked to the ground.

Seeing Falin on his own against huge odds Thaloin ran from the northern tower to help. Falin slowly backed away towards Thaloin constantly fighting against goblins, although the goblins were always wary of the two archers to their west. Jentrapan also rushed towards the centre tower to provide aid but came face to face with the wild warg. Farin stayed back and shot down a goblin supporting another goblin who was attacking his brother, his arrow swiftly shot the goblin down.

Farin then charged at the warg attacking his leader giving Jentrapan the opportunity to strike it down with his axe. Thaloin finally joined Falin, near the centre tower, but it was not long will they were brought down by the weight of the goblin numbers. By this point the goblins from the far western tower had almost reached the northern tower where Gror still stood guarding it.

Jentrapan knowing how unstoppable the goblins of the misty mountains can be once they see they're winning, shouted to flee and ran back along the pass, but Farin ignored him and ran for the southern tower where only one goblin stood and Gror not hearing his distant commander and honourably following his last orders stayed at the northern tower.

The goblins raced for the northern tower to fight the one dwarf protecting it. The goblin at the southern tower charged at Farin too. Jentrapan turned back around and ran back realising no one had fled. Gror beat back the first load of goblins and bravely swung to kill at the Goblin leader but fate was on the goblins side as a distant avalanche distracted the poor dwarf. Jentrapan fled back to the western tower maybe to take a bow shot maybe in panic he still does not say, but by Aulë did he regret it as he saw Gror being kicked to the ground and slaughtered and Farin being knocked down too at the same time.

With him being the only dwarf standing on the battlefield Jentrapan shouted a shower of insults at the goblins and fled praying they followed him so his wounded companions could make it back to the Gloin's camp alive.

After the battle: To the sorrow of the company it seemed that both Bain and Gror died in the high pass and their bodies where left to the goblins. Fortunately Farin, Falin and Thaloin escaped. With the help of Gloin's healer Tralli Gemfinder Farin made a full recovery however Falin was injured and Thaloin had also been wounded. Gloin paid them the gold for their expedition but informed them that the time to strike back was now while the goblins confidence is high...
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 Post subject: Re: The Anvil of Hope (Diary of my battle company)
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 3:49 pm 
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Joined: Wed Oct 29, 2014 12:27 am
Posts: 138
Location: New England
Delightful! I always love a good documentation of Battle Company games. Brings the experience to life.

- Wild
Battle Companies Developer

(CE) Battle Companies 2016 Edition
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 Post subject: Re: The Anvil of Hope (Diary of my battle company)
PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 8:03 pm 
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Joined: Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:37 pm
Posts: 3
Thanks Commissariat was going to continue it with updates of future games, but things got in the way, glad you enjoyed this though :)
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 Post subject: Re: The Anvil of Hope (Diary of my battle company)
PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 9:15 pm 
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Joined: Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:55 pm
Posts: 396
Location: United Kingdom
Nice background and writeup it was very enjoyable to read

Soon Master Elf, you will enjoy the fabled hospitality of the Dwarves! Roaring fires, malt beer, red meat off the bone!
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