Hello Everyone! I think it is time to revive this thread

After finishing high school in 2014 I haven't found much time to do anything for the hobby, as I was quite busy with university. Most of my miniatures, paints and other stuff were put into packing cases. But a few weeks ago I once again felt like painting some miniatures, so I got a few essentials and a handful of miniatures from my parent's house (I don't have a lot of space at home right now) and started painting again.
The product of the first week are Galadriel and Merry & Pippin. With Galadriel I went for a light grey version instead of white. It seemed fitting with this calmer version. I have the version from the old white council set too, if I get to paint that one as well some day, it will be bright white

The pictures were taken with my phone, unfortunately I don't have a better option available right now, but I think they came out ok.

Merry & Pippin:

You may notice the bases looking somewhat unconventional as I have decided not to use any sand. At the moment I only have a small box with a variety of grasses and bushes available for base decoration. I have tried to make the bases look nice nonetheless by just painting them brown, getting darker towards the edge, and so far I don't think it looks too bad. Maybe I will go back later and redo all the bases, but for now I think they will stay this way.
I'm not quite sure what I will paint next, I don't have a specific army to paint, as I don't think I will play the game anytime soon (I have only taken metal models with me, so I don't think I could play anything but an all-hero list anyway). I'll probably just go with whatever I like to paint at the moment. Also I might only get to paint something every now and again, so don't expect any sort of regular updates here.
I think that's it for now. I look forward to your comments!