And we're proceeding nicely through the sewers, making a slow, steady escape.
Here we have the first piece I did, one of what will be four or more straight pieces. Very simple, quick to assemble. Straight out of the Hirst Arts dungeon builder instructions for simple dungeons.

This is the second such straight section. I'm playing around with some ideas to vary them up, I could have 4 identical sections, but that's boring. I put a stone bridge over this one. All the arches that make up the walls and the bridge are the same size. They also make up the portals from which the sewage flows on the floor. I do have different arches and am hoping to play with these in future pieces. I really like how well this piece photographed, it shows the true colours of the water very nicely.

Finally, the first of 4 corner pieces. Yes, I know the "island" in the corner looks naked, but it has to be this way to line up with the other pieces. Here I had some fun taking sections of the Hirst Arts dungeon builder recommended pieces and arranging them to fit my 6x6 grid. Lots of repositioning, it took a long time to work out, but I really like it. 3 more with sight variations to go!

Future straight sections will include floating debris, like crates, etc. and a piece of broken wall that has been shorn up with sticks. I like the idea of rubble for slowing movement. I might do a section with some bones or one with drainage holes in the wall for sewage to run out of. I'd love to buy some rats for scene fillers; I should be able to find some Skaven bits. I still have to do the exit, which I'm planning to do as a storeroom beneath a house and the crossroads, which will be a challenge to make look better than 4 islands. I'm hoping to make some wide arches for this part.