Hey guys, first time post! A bunch of my friends and I have started playing the middle earth battle game recently, and we're all experienced wargamers. I myself only played Lotr when I first got into tabletop stuff a good 15 years ago, and probably 4-8 games in the hobbit edition. As such we don't have a huge handle on what's 'OP' and whats pretty reasonable. There are obvious outliers (Balrog, Harad hoard with betrayer, Azog, defiler of reasonable points costs) but I have tried a couple of lists, and this one seems to stick out as a bit of a powerhouse, as it's undefeated thus far.
700pts Isengard
6 warriors w shields
4 warriors w pikes
1 warrior w banner
3 berserkers
8 warriors w crossbows
Captain w shield
5 warriors w shields
3 warriors w pike
1 berserker
3 scouts w bows.
11/34 bow limit
37 models = break point of 18 dudes and actually 66% break point of 12. Games end at 9 homies left alive.
My other lists run Lurtz and a troll instead of saruman, and usually Mauhur and a bunch of his marauders instead of the captains warband. Vrasku and 8 crossbows are a mainstay in the army.
So is this something I should be looking at taking to tournaments?? Or do my friends just suck

Thanks for any help/ advice you can give me guys