Hello everyone, I’m new to the One Ring but have been painting for a while. I thought it would be nice to share my painting progress as I begin my Hobbit and Lord of the Rings SBG journey. I’m going to be playing solo so I’m sure I’ll share some of my experiences there as I want to encourage others to try this game even if there isn’t a big scene near them.
So far I’ve been painting my Escape From Goblin Town Box Set and am happy with what I’ve finished so far. GW did a good job with this set and everything has been fun to paint so far.

I’ve gotten quite a few goblins done now as I prepare to play some of the scenarios in the game. They are quick to paint and with some glazing, you can get some pretty dingy looking gobbos! I tried to match their bases with colors I will be painting the wood terrain so they should look right at home on top of it in games.

Fili was my first of the main characters I decided to tackle and I had a blast doing so. The freehand came out pretty well on him and while the colors are drab on his outfit, I still think he came out looking pretty good! I haven’t figured out how I want to base Thorin’s Company yet so I’m saving that for later on.

Oin didn’t come out quite as well as I had trouble getting the eyes right and accidentally broke his staff during assembly. I think he will still look good on the tabletop and I’ll try to get a back-up copy in case I ever break the staff more or just want to improve upon this one.
You can find me at:
https://KuribosPainting.com/ and on Instagram @kuribospainting.