Ok, here is my Force Composition for Jan/Feb
1. Faramir (Epic Hero) (Foot and Mounted Versions)
2. Rangers of Ithilien Command Company (Legendary Formation, 2 Companies)
3. Rangers of Ithilien
4. Osgiliath Veterans Command Company - Hornblower (Legendary Formation, 2 Companies)
5. Osgiliath Veterans
6. Warriors of Minas Tirith Command Company - Captain, Banner (Common Formation, 3 Companies)
7. Warriors of Minas Tirith
8. Warriors of Minas Tirith
9. Knights of Minas Tirith Command Company - Captain, Banner, Shields (Common Formation, 3 Companies)
10. Knights of Minas Tirith - Shields
11. Knights of Minas Tirith - Shields
12. Avenger Bolt Thrower (Rare Formation, 1 Company)
Points Value - 770
Common: Rare Formations = 2:1
Common: Rare Companies = 6:1
Allies = 0%
OK, I dropped the Archers from the list as I thought, with the Avenger, Vets and Rangers I had enough shooting, plus, it will increase the survivability of the WoMT to have an extra company.
I am currently cleaning and assembling the last of the models, so that hopefully, I can get the whole lot primed over the next day or so. In the meantime, whilst snow puts paid to my plans, I'm gonna clear my work area of anything that isn't Gondor related (that could take a while).
Will add my picture once I have everything glued and based.
EDIT - picture of army awaiting primer. The astute amongst you (or anyone actually reading this) will notice an unridden horse in the Knights unit. I'm waiting on some metal bitz to convert a suitable Captain model (providing they arrive in good time), so I'll probably leave them to last. Worst case scenario, I'll just hack up a few plastics to get the job done.