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 Post subject: To9G 2010 - SEPTEMBER
PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 10:38 am 
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Ladies and Gentlemen, a New Year dawns, and so, a new To9G begins. Welcome to this year's tale of Epic proportions. War of the Ring it is, and hopefully, over the next 12 months, we will amuse, entertain and inspire a few of you to pick up a brush again.

So that everyone is clear, here are the rules again.


- Tale of 9 Gamers to run from Jan 1st 2010 to Dec 31st 2010.

(Makes sense, considering that it is a year long challenge...)

- There are no budget restrictions. Yes, it's a big one, so I'll say it again. THERE ARE NO BUDGET RESTRICTIONS.

(Based on this years budget, it would take a full months cash to add one all metal company, never mind formation to your army. That is going to look pretty miserable at the end of the year with 12-13 companies all lined up. By removing the budget, you have the choice to include either plastic or metal models, and can tailor your force based on your backlog, or what you want to buy, without limiting yourself.)

- Monthly target is a minimum of 3 options. There is no maximum limit, but, be warned, if you paint 20 companies one month, you still need to paint another 3 the next.

An option consists of either one infantry company (including any command models), one cavalry company (including any command models), one Epic Hero (including mounted option if applicable), one Legendary Formation company (including an command models), one monster or one siege weapon.

(Rather than go with a budget, the reason explained above, I chose to impose a (variable) model count. This means that, in any given month, your painting commitment is between 3 and 24 models depending on your choices. Be warned that painting all the Epic Heroes straight off the bat will force you to paint greater numbers further down the line. I do have a way of mitigating this, all will be explained. Also, of note, even choosing to paint 3 infantry companies (24 models being the highest number of miniatures for a minimum requirement) works out at one box of plastics, which is cheaper than this years monthly budget. We won't go into the mathematics of 8 blisters...)

-As the site is not run by Games Workshop, you can use models from any manufacturer.

(Well, pretty obvious really. We aren't constrained by this being a GW forum, so we are free to use an suitable models in our forces, providing you aren't planning on entering any GW sanctioned tournaments. That means if you want to use Warlord's Celts as Rohirrim go ahead, Foundry's Orcs as, well, Orcs, be my guest. Some manufactures models may work out on a different pricing scale to GW, so the astute amongst you might well be able to sort out a very cheap army.)

- Armies must remain War of the Ring legal at all times, Common:Rare company and Formation limits apply, as does the 25% Allies allowance.

(Well, it is kinda pointless taking a year to paint an army that you can't use...)

- Armies must be at least 2000 points by the end of the year.

(Nice round number, but it also allows the use of powerful Ally options.)

- All participants will include an up to date army roster each month, including their newly painted models, and what they plan to paint the next month, as well as noting their Common to Rare companies and Formations, and the amount of points spent on allies.

(Because even if I can't make you paint, I can force you to do some book-keeping.)

- Before Jan 14th, all participants must submit picture of unpainted miniatures and army roster for Jan and Feb.

(Again, Jan/Feb is combined, both to get armies off to a good start, and to break you in gently. Well, actually, one one of those is true.)

- By Feb 28th, all participants must submit a picture of March's models. This will be repeated for each month, with all participants having posted their new minis to be completed by the last day of the month.

(Just so we can see how the army is evolving.)

- By Feb 28th all participants will also submit a picture of the models they have completed that month, and preferable also a picture of their entire force.

(Just so we can see how the army is progressing.)

- Starting Forces - As stated, Jan and Feb are combined. Now to get everyone off to a flying start, here is how it works. 1+1=3. That's right. 2 months time, 3 months work. And you should be aiming for about 500 points, to let you get started playing too.

Each participants starting force MUST contain; 1 Epic Hero (including mounted option if applicable), 3 companies of infantry (including any command), 3 companies of cavalry (including any command), and 2 'Free' choices, from the list above, which can consist of additional Epic Heroes or infantry/cavalry companies.

(This way, everyone starts off the same before all hell breaks loose. You should have a relatively balanced (and legal) starting force, that can be expanded in an infinite number of ways. Yes, some armies may be hindered by a lack of options in any given area (Dwarves and cavalry, for instance) but you have the Ally option to take care of that.)

So, all that remains is to wish the rest of the guys the very best of luck, and hope you've packed your stinking Elven bread, because it is a long road ahead...


Studio gaarew; Gaming armies, by gamers, for gamers.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 10:51 am 
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Ok, here is my Force Composition for Jan/Feb

1. Faramir (Epic Hero) (Foot and Mounted Versions)
2. Rangers of Ithilien Command Company (Legendary Formation, 2 Companies)
3. Rangers of Ithilien
4. Osgiliath Veterans Command Company - Hornblower (Legendary Formation, 2 Companies)
5. Osgiliath Veterans
6. Warriors of Minas Tirith Command Company - Captain, Banner (Common Formation, 3 Companies)
7. Warriors of Minas Tirith
8. Warriors of Minas Tirith
9. Knights of Minas Tirith Command Company - Captain, Banner, Shields (Common Formation, 3 Companies)
10. Knights of Minas Tirith - Shields
11. Knights of Minas Tirith - Shields
12. Avenger Bolt Thrower (Rare Formation, 1 Company)

Points Value - 770
Common: Rare Formations = 2:1
Common: Rare Companies = 6:1
Allies = 0%

OK, I dropped the Archers from the list as I thought, with the Avenger, Vets and Rangers I had enough shooting, plus, it will increase the survivability of the WoMT to have an extra company.

I am currently cleaning and assembling the last of the models, so that hopefully, I can get the whole lot primed over the next day or so. In the meantime, whilst snow puts paid to my plans, I'm gonna clear my work area of anything that isn't Gondor related (that could take a while).

Will add my picture once I have everything glued and based.

EDIT - picture of army awaiting primer. The astute amongst you (or anyone actually reading this) will notice an unridden horse in the Knights unit. I'm waiting on some metal bitz to convert a suitable Captain model (providing they arrive in good time), so I'll probably leave them to last. Worst case scenario, I'll just hack up a few plastics to get the job done.


Studio gaarew; Gaming armies, by gamers, for gamers.

Last edited by gaarew on Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 2:05 pm 
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Here is my list:

The Misty Mountains:

1. Druzhag the Beastcaller (epic hero)
2. Moria Goblin Warband with shield and Goblin Drum
3. Moria Goblin Warband with shield (with co. #2)
4. Moria Goblin Warband with shield (with co. #2 & 3)
5. Wild Warg pack with Warg Chieftain
6. Wild Warg pack
7. Wild Warg pack
8. Moria Goblin Warband with shortbows
9. Moria Goblin Warband with shield (with co. #2, 3, & 4)

Now, that is the minimum required list, however I will be painting the following additional choices:

10. Moria Goblin Warband with shortbows (with co #8)
11. Cave Troll

TOTAL Points Value: 505 points
Common:Rare Formations: 3:1
Common:Rare Companies: 9:1
Allies: 0%

Otherwise my initial points is under 500, and while I know it's not necessarily required to do 500, I'd rather start with a full army (not that I actually play or anything).

I'll be also taking a risky move by not assembling and priming all of my models in advance. Since I have so little space, I can store the figures easier while they are still on their sprues in my desk drawers. I also do not have my War of the Ring movement trays yet, but hopefully they'll come soon.

And to show I haven't got a head start on you lads, here are my models as of this morning (minus the Cave Troll...he isn't finished being stripped of paint yet):


Many thanks to gaarew for organising this! I haven't painted a cohesive army for so'll be nice to put the brush to one again :) 8)

Cheers, and good luck to all participants!


Tale of 9 Gamers 2010: The Misty Mountains/Angmar:

April: 0/3 choices complete

Yearly total: 50/74 models done O.o
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 4:14 pm 
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:D :-D It has started! :) Looking good so far, I can't wait to see more.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:55 pm 
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been looking forward to this starting actually :D good luck all of you and i hope this is successful

sapere aude- dare to be wise
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 12:17 am 

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2010 To9G – Fallen Realms – Jan/Feb

1. The Dark Marshal – foot & mounted
2. Easterling Archer Cohort – command company – captain + war priest
3. Easterling Archer Cohort – company 2
4. Easterling Archer Cohort - company 3
5. Easterling Archer Cohort - company 4
6. Easterling Kataphrakt Cohort - command company – captain, banner, horn blower
7. Easterling Kataphrakt Cohort – company 2
8. Easterling Kataphrakt Cohort – company 3
9. Easterling Kataphrakt Cohort – company 4

655 pts

I may do a bit more but I won't commit to it in writing as it will only add pressure that I don't need. Besides, I have a few other hobby irons in the fire that might require any extra bandwidth that may occur. :wink:

I plan to try out my new photography light cube this weekend. So piccies coming soon.

Let's rock 'n' roll!
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 3:49 am 
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Here is my list for Jan/Feb

The Elven Kingdoms

Legolas (Epic Hero) ft and mtd 200pts
Galadhrim regiment- Captain, banner bearer- 130pts
Galadhrim Regiment- 45 pts
Galadhrim Regiment- 45 pts
Galadhrim Archer Regiment- 50 pts
Galadhrim Archer Regiment- 50 pts
Galadhrim Knight Regiment- Banner, 85pts
Galadhrim Knight Regiment- 50 pts
Galadhrim Kinght regiment- 50 pts

Just want to say a massive thanks to gaarew for organising this and sending me his spreadsheet that has helped me to plan out my army for the year, cheers!

I will be away for a few weeks in Jan and will not be able to post pics up, but fear not I shall still be painting and I will treat you guys to lots of pics when return.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:24 am 

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Hm, this is looking good so far. About 5 competitors and all have different army lists! This will be more exciting then last time :P
Really hopping to see Wolf's goblin army and wargs :D

There are fouler things than Orcs in the deep places of the world...
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 12:03 pm 
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While I will not have time to partake actively, this is encouraging me to get back to mini-painting - the most recent one was the Unseen University Librarian (I gave it as a present and forgot to take any photos!)

Published ebooks:
Instrument of the Empire
A Note of Defiance
Phantom Ships, Ghost Flotilla
More to come!
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 2:47 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Interesting, but... hmm, decisions, decisions!

I bought everything needed to complete a 2500 point Lothlorien army last year. They are half undercoated. They would be perfect for this.

I also have quite the backlog of Rohan figures to get through. The Rohan figures have the advantage of being used for an ongoing project. And I do want to finish everything for that project - it involves finishing painting another bunch of Gondorian warriors, and a whole whack of Haradrim.

Rohan or Elves? Decisions, decisions!
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 4:36 pm 

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aelfwine wrote:
Rohan or Elves? Decisions, decisions!

My collegial counsel would be finish your Rohirrim. Finishing is good. I say that as someone who has too many unfinished projects laying around. (Although I suspect I'm in good company here. :wink: )
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 4:43 pm 

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White Tower of Ecthelion wrote:
aelfwine wrote:
Rohan or Elves? Decisions, decisions!

My collegial counsel would be finish your Rohirrim. Finishing is good. I say that as someone who has too many unfinished projects laying around. (Although I suspect I'm in good company here. :wink: )
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 4:44 pm 
Elven Warrior
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Come one guys no one even ready to start? :-D

My work this months:

Epic heroes
Common formations
1 company dwarfs with shield with captain and banner
1 company dwarfs with 2 handed weapon
1 company dwarfs with bows
1company dwarf rangers
1 company dwarf rangers with 2 handed weapon
1 company dwarf rangers with bow
Rare formations
2 companies galahdrim knights with shields and banner
1 company galadhrim knight with longbows

Total: 800 poins

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 4:51 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Having given the matter a lot of thought, I thus announce that I shall... both.

Yes, I'm insane. But there be method in my madness. The Elves are largely purchased. The Rohirrim are mostly purchased, but there's a few I think I'd need to make up 2500. And focussing my purchases, it will keep me from spending too much money in a scattershot fashion.

So: the army will be a Rohan army with Gondor allies (since there's a bunch of Gondorians staring at me on my painting table). I'll make the list later.

And then, in spring, I'll start the Lothlorien Elves. If I do both sets in relay, with the occasional break for Dwarves or random Orcs, I'll have both armies done by the end of the year, barring incident or accident.

But first! finish undercoating my Realm of Battle.

Which I shall go attend to now.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 5:22 pm 
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hero of gondor wrote:
Come one guys no one even ready to start? :-D

Hey now! I've already started painting (albeit, just the Drum, but I'm ready to start the actual drummers tomorrow) :P

Tale of 9 Gamers 2010: The Misty Mountains/Angmar:

April: 0/3 choices complete

Yearly total: 50/74 models done O.o
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:31 pm 
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Hey all, midway through the month and here I have another update on my Trolls...they're not done yet, but they're getting close:


And here's a detail on their slightly green backs:


And a close up of my favorite:


They will be done soon I hope.

I must say that I may be late getting my unpainted model pictures up for next month, since I'm starting a new job next week and a paycheck probably won't be arriving until April, but as soon as I get the money, I will drive up to the game store and get some new models to paint for April...they'll probably be Wargs, since they're really easy and I have a more difficult project I'm working on at the moment and will be continuing in April :twisted:

Anyway, I'm very pleased with seeing everyone's forces, even though we've lost quite a's hoping everyone can catch back up and go to the bitter end with me 8)


Tale of 9 Gamers 2010: The Misty Mountains/Angmar:

April: 0/3 choices complete

Yearly total: 50/74 models done O.o
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:30 pm 
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looking good wolfy, loving the trolls :) glad to see there are people still moving ahead on their armies without your grand leader

keep up the good work everybody

sapere aude- dare to be wise
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:53 pm 
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While I quite like the scales I don't like the pinkness of the rest of the skin, it's just a personal thing though, I guess you can't please everyone. :-D
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 7:23 pm 
Elven Warrior
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theavenger001 wrote:
I'll be interested to see if you do anything special with the sappers, maybe make an exploded one so when it gets destroyed mid game you can swap the figures and bomb out, and replace them with a blown up bomb and a couple of casualties, just an idea I had. :roll: :)

Don't know if I'll go that far with the conversions but I've added some siege equipment to them (e.g. grappling hooks and flaming brands). 2 members of the current company are holding rope - front row, first on the left and second row, first on the right. :)

TO9G - 2010 Isengard
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 2:55 pm 
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Wow, end of March is upon us already and look at all the updates :o :o

To ensure that at least one carries the heavy burden another month, I present to you my army choices for March completed, three Cave Trolls:


And then the whole army shot...they aren't arranged in War of the Ring style because the Trolls are the only month I'll arrange them how they're supposed to be:


Next month for me is up in the air, but I think I'll be adding some Angmar forces to the mix. If I can manage it, I'll have some Ghostly Legion and Orcs, but if I can't manage the Ghostly Legion, it'll just be Orcs and maybe finishing some of the unpainted Wargs I have lying around somewhere...

At any rate, I'll post a modified list tomorrow.

Come on lads, let's see what you've been painting! :-X


Tale of 9 Gamers 2010: The Misty Mountains/Angmar:

April: 0/3 choices complete

Yearly total: 50/74 models done O.o
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