Alright guys, you asked for it.

Straight from the rulebook. If something isn't clear, let me know!
Mass Slaughter 2Two to eleven players. Each player rolls two dice to get a character. Each miniature starts at the green “Start” square, and for the first turn, each player rolls two dice to find out how far they move. For the second turn on, movement is reduced to the roll of one die.
Players take turns moving. Turns may be determined by the character numbers or by seating position, whichever is more convenient. Whoever goes first in a round must draw the card for the round. Cards have various effects, and many cards may not be applicable to the drawer.
Anyone can attack anyone, and must do so. When a miniature lands on the same square as another miniature, the two must enter combat. In order to win combat, a miniature must win four times in a dice roll (each miniature gets one die for combat). Make sure to consult the special rules for variations of this situation. After the combat, the winner remains on the square, and the loser is removed from the game. However, if the loser has more than one life, his or her miniature is returned to the “Start” square. No combat can ensue on the first turn of play. In addition, if more than two miniatures somehow land on the same square, they must be sent to the Arena.
There are four different square colors. The green square represents “Start,” where all players begin. Passing “Start” four times (excluding being sent to start by death or card) will result in a victory. No combat can ever occur on “Start.” Black squares are normal and have no effects. Landing on a yellow square will result in a miniature remaining immobile for a round, and landing on a red square will force the miniature to automatically advance to the nearest enemy.
In certain situations, a group of miniatures may be sent to the Arena. Miniatures should be placed along opposite edges. Each character rolls a dice to determine how many squares they can move in a round. Unlike movement on the regular board, a miniature does not have to move all of their allotted squares. When a player lands on the same square as an enemy, combat ensues as usual. Combat cannot involve more than two miniatures at a time. A death in the arena is the same as a death on the main board; if, however, a miniature has more than one life, they will return to “Start.” Arena combat ends when one side has been eliminated.
The last miniature alive or the first miniature to pass “Start” four times wins the game.
Roll two dice; the result is your character for the game. Characters cannot repeat, so keep rolling until you get a unique character. If need be, you may reduce the roll to one die.
1. Not Possible.
2. None. Referee—Calling the Shots: Once per game, the ref may intervene in a battle he is not involved in by sending two factions to the Arena. For example, if the Cowboy enters combat with the Scottish Knight, the Referee may send the English Halberdier, the Scottish Knight, the Cowboy, and Ramón to the Arena. American.
3. Medieval. English Halberdier— God Save the King: Due to an increase in morale, the Brit gets +1 per roll per round on any character not of English descent. English.
4. Medieval. Scottish Knight—Freedom!: the Scott gets +1 per roll per round fighting any character of English descent. Scottish.
5. ACW. Union Soldier—Strength in Numbers: The soldier may get one re-roll per round of fighting. Considered American.
6. ACW. Confederate Soldier—Rebel Yell: the enemy gets one automatic loss per roll per round due to loss of morale, so he or she must win 5 rolls rather than 4. Considered American.
7. Western. Cowboy—Dead or Alive: The American gunfighter may survive his first defeat in combat. Essentially, the Gunfighter has two lives. American.
8. Western. Ramón—Mexican Gang Leader: This Chicano gets +1 per roll per round fighting any character of American descent. Mexican.
9. WWII. German NCO—Superior Firearms: the soldier gets one automatic win per roll per round, so he must win 3 rolls rather than 4. German.
10. WWII. German Rifleman—Das ist der hammer: the soldier may attack from one square away. German.
11. None. Ghoul—Undead: the ghoul gains a life each time he defeats an opponent. No nationality.
12. None. Space Marine—For the Emperor!: the Space Marine is a soldier from the 41st millennium, and is therefore excessively elite for his enemies. He may choose one enemy per game that he enters into combat with to automatically slaughter. In addition, he has two lives. Considered English.
Different Ways to Play!
For extended fun, we have provided the option for different game modes.
Team Mode. Characters from the same factional time period fight on the same side in the game. For example, players controlling the WWII miniatures would never enter combat with each other. Alternatively, partner up before rolling for characters.
Character Mode. Players must take on the persona of the miniature they are controlling.
Arena Mode. All miniatures start in the arena and fight to the death. No cards.
Friendly Mode. Players choose their character, and there are no cards or additional special abilities.
Hardcore Mode. After defeating a character in the game, the winner must kill the loser in real life.
I don't know how to post the back cover or the cards, but I guess if you want to see those, shoot me a PM and I'll email it to you. Comments and questions are welcome, and the rules are pretty balanced when actually played with.