Hello everyone! This is my first day on the site as a member, though I've read through many of the posts here before.
I collect a Rohan force, and particularly like playing all-mounted armies (they're just plain fun). First of all, does anyone have any tips or experiences with good all-mounted army lists? My two opponents play Isenguard and Dwarves, so I have come to especially love the Sons of Eorl (F4 S4 and 2A really helps against Uruks). However, they are quite expensive. I am currently building for 700 points. My Dwarf Opponent usually goes for elite armies with fewer units, while the Isenguard player (my sister) likes a pike block supported by any combination of crossbows, trolls, beserkers, and/or Saruman and Grima.
Here are a few lists I have come up with. Any tips and help would be appreciated.
List 1: Eomer, Marshall of the Riddermark (shield, horse) 90pts Erkenbrand (horse) 75pts Theodred (horse) 80pts 6 Sons of Eorl 132pts 24 Riders of Rohan (5 with throwing spear, 10 using bows) 322pts
699 points, 33 models, 10 bows, 9 might This force lacks any big heroes or anything that could take down a troll easily. This was a slight problem in my last game (she experimentally tried out 2 Isengard trolls, Saruman, and Grima with some Uruks). I actually won though, as I had 4 more models. I kept charging with heroic moves every time I could and slowly whittled down the small group of Uruks before surrounding one of the trolls. However, my heroes really didn't help too much against the trolls as Sons of Eorl have the same number of attacks and Fight4/5 both lose to a Fight 8 troll. Also, I took heavy casualties (to be expected, I suppose, against Isengard). My heroes didn't fair much better either, Theodred taking a wound from crossbows and Eomer getting smashed by a troll. Luckily, Saruman sorcerous blasted Erkenbrand into Grima, killing Grima. I like that this force has more numbers than some of my other all-mounted armies, and it has 9 might points spread throughout 3 heroes, but it lacks a single strong model (besides the Sons of Eorl, who can get killed all-to-easily by S4 Uruks).
List 2: Gandalf the White (Shadowfax) 235pts Erkenbrand (horse) 75pts 7 Sons of Eorl 154pts 18 Riders of Rohan (1 TS, 8 using bows)
700 points, 27 models, 8 bows, 6 might I haven't tried this out yet, but I wanted to try Gandalf and Gandalf the Grey didn't seem to fit very well theme-wise. This can represent the relief force Gandalf leads to Helm's Deep (as portrayed in the book with Erkenbrand, though I believe those were mostly foot soldiers...). I figure that Gandalf can help to nullify those big threats (trolls and strong heroes) that I encountered last game, and a handy sorcerous blast down the line of pikes could be very useful. I also like the large group of Sons of Eorl; these guys really do damage to Uruks. However, I have only one unit above defense 6 with only 27 models, and so will not last long if I don't do a ton of damage first.
List 3: Eomer, Knight of the Pelennor (armored horse) 130pts Erkenbrand (horse) 75pts Eowyn (horse, shield) 41pts 10 Sons of Eorl 220pts 18 Riders of Rohan (9 using bows) 234pts
700 points, 31 models, 9 bows, 8 might This looks like a fairly good list, as it has a strong 3A 3W 3M 3F hero, 8 might points, and a whopping 10 Sons of Eorl (woohoo!). However, Eowyn with defense 4 is a bit of a risk for her big brother. Though I guess he would still cause quite a bit of damage and not go down [i]too[i] easily with all those fate points if he does go crazy.
What do you guys think? Have you seen any similar lists or anything much better? Has anyone had any experience playing with or against armies with Sons of Eorl? I have had quite a hard time finding information on tactics and ideas for them.
EDIT: I fixed the bows.
_________________ God bless you!
Forth Eorlingas!
Last edited by ChristsSoldier on Wed May 04, 2011 3:40 am, edited 2 times in total.