For time's sake for painting I've decided to go with a Minas Tirith force. The conversion for Beregond and the Citadel Guard would be a little rushed if I took the listed force, so here's what I've decided on.
The Fellowship/Minas TirithWarband 1Boromir of Gondor w/ Horse
Warband 2Cirion (Leader)
2x Osgiliath Veterans w/ Shield
2x Warriors of Minas Tirith w/ Shield
4x Rangers of Gondor w/ Spears, Ithilien upgrade
4x Knights of Minas Tirith w/ Shields
300pts. 9 might. 14 units. 8 casualties till breaking courage tests.
Notes. I could switch out Cirion for a regular captain for the defence 7, but the extra might and if they happen to have something terror causing his +2 courage to charge could be handy. I switched out the Citadel Guard for Rangers so I could fit in more Knights. Them riding with Boromir and his pool of might could be devastating with their lances. The Ithilien upgrade is there simply to fill some extra points, plus you never know if a wooded area might turn up that I could take advantage of.
Anyway, I'd love to know what you guys think. The fact that I have little to paint for that force means I can move on to painting up all my lovely Gundabads and take my time.